Style - Parodic

A pardoic style of advert is used effectivly to mock a various of things from famous icons to TV shows/film.s These types of adverts are made to make the audience laugh and make the advert memorable as it makes you thing of two main things. The advert its mocking, helping the advertisment of the product beforehand memorable and the product which is playing during the parody advert. Using this effective style, the adverts product can also get famous or remembered from word of mouth from the actual advert itself.

One effective parody advert which has been advertised is the Specsavers advert which references the 'Lynx Effect' advert. Using this style and the combination of adverts, this will help Specsavers as they try to sway and attract the audience of Lynx fans, to Specsavers. As the advert plays, it's main target audience in this advert is aimed at males from the amount of females used in the advert itself. Using a high majority of males running towards one male is creative ad realistically that would never happen, but as the women get closer an the man pulls out his glasses it all changes because the women walk away. The techinques this advert uses 3 main techniques which are;
  • Sex Appeal (Beauty) - The advert is hinting at the fact looks do count, and with Specsavers glasses you will look better.
  • Exaggerate -
  • Promise of Benefit - The advert itself is promising to deliever benefits of need to the audience. Its selling its product.